Artfully Unraveling the World of Lace

Exploring Lace in a Modern Era of Creativity.

Bee Progress

Bee bobbin lace project - picture of the lace so far.

In general, love the progress made on the bee bobbin lace project. If you remember, the shading for all the parts are determined by the stitches I chose. Unfortunately, I am not sure the head, eyes, and antenna are dense enough to stand out from the background. Many lace colleagues suggested doing a gimp, which is a heavy thread outline around the entire bee, but I really wanted to make it work with just the stitches. Perhaps, I will be able to go back after I am finished and sew in a gimp thread.

Bee bobbin lace project - Bee bobbin lace, bobbins, and a pin cushion with adorable divider pins.

Please notice the adorable divider pins in the pin cushion. These are used to separate the bobbins when working or pin the bobbin holders in place. Of course, any pin would work, but I prefer cute ones like a hedgehog holding a ball of yarn 🙂

Bee bobbin lace project - close-up of the lace.
Bee bobbin lace project - overhead picture of the lace, bobbins, pins, and pin cushion.