Artfully Unraveling the World of Lace

Exploring Lace in a Modern Era of Creativity.

Tulle Stitch

Bee bobbin lace project - picture of lace, bobbins, and cover cloth.

The bottom left of the pattern is mostly filled with the Tulle Stitch. Tulle = cross, twist, twist, twist, and pin (cttt-pin). As you can see it is a very open stitch that should make a light background. I chose it so the dense stitches in the bee part of the pattern would stand out. I think it is a great contrast for most of the other stitches.

The blue cover cloth seen in the second picture helps to protect the thread while giving space to spread out the bobbins. There are so many bobbins concentrated in the small space, since I am almost to the bottom of the pattern. Bobbin management is very important throughout lace-making, but it is especially true at the end. Thankfully, I chose a sizable bobbin lace pillow or the bottom part would be more difficult.