Artfully Unraveling the World of Lace

Exploring Lace in a Modern Era of Creativity.

Silk Sampler Center Panel

The pattern seems to be going well, but I am REALLY glad I made a sample. There are some areas that I needed to figure out the best way of […]

Silk Sampler Pattern Testing

I created a three-panel geometric design for an XL lace project. To test my pattern, I will work it at “normal” lace scale in silk. Why silk? I love the […]

Grocery Bag Sampler Complete

I am glad I got the opportunity to revisit grocery bag lace. Before, I dismissed it in my mind, because of the frustrating quality of not keeping twists. Now, with […]

Grocery Bag Sampler

It is time to revisit the grocery bag – bobbin lace concept. I was approached about the possibility of a big project, but can’t reveal anything yet. I need to […]

Hand #1 Complete

The first hand of Hierarchy is complete. The raised stitching really helped separate all the parts of the hand, wrist, and arm. Of course, that’s why the technique is used. […]

Stitches Finished

This has been a great project so far. I used dense stitches over most of the hand, since the inspiration print was mostly dark areas. Since I am using a […]


I’ve made real progress on the first Hierarchy hand. I’m also glad I chose to use one color with multiple stitches. I think it looks so much better than before. […]

Compare Hands

I am not happy with the way the two-toned effect worked out on the fingers. I think the distinct separation of the colors is too much and ultimately looks too […]

Hand #1 Two Colors

It is finally time to start the lace piece that all my needle lace classes were preparing me for. 🙂 My amazingly talented friend Catherine Chauvin is a print maker. […]

Needle Lace Sampler

I adjusted Maggie Hensel Brown’s pattern from the class she taught in Denver, and remade it with silk thread. We previously used a cotton thread, but the silk is finer/thinner. […]