Artfully Unraveling the World of Lace

Exploring Lace in a Modern Era of Creativity.

Silk Sampler Center Panel

The pattern seems to be going well, but I am REALLY glad I made a sample. There are some areas that I needed to figure out the best way of starting/ending a motif and this gives me the chance to play around with that. For example, there is a vertical cloth-stitch trail in a diamond shape that was tricky to start. I tested how many twists, ending the previous stitch, and beginning the trail. This may seem minor, but it changes the look of the lace and smoothness of moving from one area to another. This bit of forethought should result in the viewer not noticing any sort of error, which could be obvious in such a geometric pattern.

The large spider in the center of the panel is another place that needed a test of different techniques. If I twisted in a traditional manner for this area, it would have closed in the center lines. I didn’t like the way that looked and only did a half-stitch (ct) throughout the spider. This created an optical illusion with the stitches that I think will only be more pronounced in the extra large, plastic bag lace.