Artfully Unraveling the World of Lace

Exploring Lace in a Modern Era of Creativity.

Maggie’s Needle Lace Class NY

I got to spend more time with Maggie Hensel Brown while in New York City for the Threads of Power exhibit. She began with a talk about her needle lace body of work, and then gave a class to a group of us. While I had an online and in-person course with Maggie before, she continued to progress my needle lace knowledge. The picture is Elena Kanagy-Loux of the Brooklyn Lace Guild, introducing Maggie.

Maggie changed it up for this class, since it was not quite as long as the one in Denver. We made little hexagon samplers of stitches. This worked really well, because you could do multiple stitches on one hexagon or easily finish/perfect one stitch. I made multiple needle lace pieces full of new stitches.

There were several days after the class or demonstrating lace in the Lace Makers’ Studio that I went to Central Park to continue working on lace. Reflecting on my time, this trip to NY was calm compared to the trip a few months ago with my family. Before, we tried to pack in as many tourist experiences as we could. This time, I just spent my days looking at, making, or talking about lace with all the amazing lace makers. I appreciate both trips for different reasons.